Saturday 20 February 2010

Life of an addicted street dealer

First of all this blog is real, I have been a drug dealer since I was 15 and I'm now 31. I have however had breaks where I have tried to get clean and when I've been detained at her majesty's pleasure, I have posted a pic of my old prison I.D card from my last sentence, it was a short one for UN-paid fines. You are not actually allowed to take these cards out the jail but hey I'm a criminal so I do what I want..joking. I want too keep my identity secret for obvious reasons. Now I believe that there are other blogs similar to this, I don't know if the people writing them are doing it from their own experience or making it up but I know that there is no way you could write a blog like this by just researching and making things up, as the days go on and you read the daily updates then you will know that it is real. you might ask yourself well if the police read this they could get my i.p address and raid my home, that would do them no good in the eye of the courts all that I have written it is in essence all hearsay and they would find no drugs because after all my years of experience I have learned a trick or two, which I will be writing about in the weeks to come. Another question you might be asking is "why the hell is this guy writing this blog", well I want to show people the life of a real drug dealer, everyone has got a image in their mind of a typical drug dealer from what they read and see on the movies but in reality its very different for most dealers. Also you know what guys I don't want to be a drug dealer and addict for the rest of my life, I had a good education and I'm not stupid, and I need to find a different line of work weather its writing (my dream job) or helping others or something. Any more questions you can email me and ask. The point I'm trying to really instill on the readers of this blog is that every thing that I'm writing is true and I'm making nothing up and I hope as the weeks progress you will see this yourself, I mean it is very hard to write about something everyday that you have not experienced your self and please respect my privacy, I'm not going to reveal my real name and the places I talk about will have alias names too.

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