Sunday 21 February 2010

The farm bust

Ring....ring....ring....ring....ring....ring now it's half past six on a Sunday morning, I'm thinking this best be worth at least £30 to me, well its got to be at least 4 bags otherwise they would not ring so early, or maybe it 's someone who's just been let out the cells if that's the case they cant of been nicked for something too serious or they'd be held for court on a Monday morning ring.....ring.....ring....ring... "who's that", "aright mate, what you after" "aright come up", that was Dwayne, now Dwayne was one of my best mates, we work together he is in charge security, well basically he makes sure no one robs me and hes got allot of the scoring contacts, he knows allot of people from out of town and always seems to be able to get red hot stuff and always cheap and no one else in town scores of the same people as us so this way we normally always got the beast gear and we always got it. Anyway Dwayne comes in roll of foil in hand, he is clucking his tits off and explains that he stayed at his missus last night and hasn't had a boot since about 6 that evening, so i make a bee line straight for the toilet sit on the shitter and get my parcel out, by parcel I mean a yellow kinder egg stuffed with £1o bags of heroin, yeah I keep it up my arse for obvious reasons and previous experience tells me if your door comes off in the morning there is no way you will have time to deal with the gear before the police are twisting you right up. So i come back in the room Dwayne is sat there eyes streaming with the square of foil on the table and a piece or foil rolled up as a tube in his mouth, I chuck him 2 bags and he puts them on the foil and starts to have a good old boot, straight away his eyes stop streaming and he makes a satisfying noise of relif. straight away I'm on the same flex but with just one bag, Dwayne smokes a serious amount of gear. He starts to tell me how he knows someone with a little farm well a field with a couple of outhouses they want to rent for £120, we love little places like this they are perfect, put a caravan there and you got a good little place to run operations from. We had one about a year ago but it came bang on top and we had to leave it, it was a custhy little place, it come on top when one of Dwayne's mates decided to abscond from open jail we let him stay and he ended up bringing the place red hot. We get onto the subject of when the farm got raided and that's the story I'm going to tell you lot today.
From the start the day was a strange one. I don't work much when i say work i mean legal work, i had agreed to help my friend with a job that day, i had arranged for him to come and pick me up at half past six am. I'm in bed now and i hear my mate duke knocking on the door, so i got up and made my way door, the caravan rocking from side to side with every step, so I let him in and we sit down to have our morning smoke, he starts to get the foil ready whilst i go to get the bags out my special place, were just sitting down getting to boot on and chatting, suddenly in hear cars pulling up out side, I knew straight away, but i jumped up pulled the curtain back of the small plastic caravan window, SHIT there were a serious amount of gavvers(police), my heart started racing, i looked at duke he had gone white as a ghost, -the poor cunt had only come to pick me up for work-, the first thing i did was grab the bags off the side (there were 5 bags) and rammed them straight up my arse, there was no way i was going to start to cluck(withdraw) down the police cells, i told duke to hide all the foil, then BANG BANG "KEEP THE DOG BACK, "WHERES THE DOG, "THERE IS NO DOG", i told duke to open the door, i was thinking shit because there was a serious amount of drugs buried and stashed on the premises, poor old duke opened the door and all i saw was a dirty great arm come in the door grab Duke round the neck and rip him out of the small caravan door way. I shouted for them to calm down and there was no dog and i walked towards the door bracing myself for the big hand to grab me round the neck but it never came, it was worse i swear down now there were about 30-35 police and then it got worse i saw dog handlers, then i looked up towards the field and saw to to dogs sniffing round by one of the trees i some time bury stuff by. Luckily I was very careful, I had about 30 different hiding places and rotated them on a daily basis, i also nearly always used gloves. now the police wanted to get us down the cells asap, so one police went in the caravan and comes out looks at me and said he was arresting me for suspicion of possession of a class a drug, I would of started to laugh but I knew that buried on the farm there was 4 ounces of heroin 18 oz of billy 2 oz of coke pure flake and the worst thing was there was a poxy ounce of weed buried with the smack, i thought my self how stupid I was to bury the both together, I mean the dogs will smell the weed therefore finding the heroin, bollox. We were given a quick search put into separate cars and taken to the station. The funny thing was that when we were driving down the little lane that the farm is on there were two police searching down by a field gate where a week before I was keeping one of the stashes and that's when i knew probably one of the other people who lived on the lane had put us in and that even worse they might of been watching us. Well I had all sorts of thoughts running through my head now, all different scenarios but none of them ended up good at the end, I thought I was fucked. We finally go to the cells and the Sargent booked me in first. Whilst i was being booked in the police who had arrested my had a phone call, all I heard him say is"ha ha yes, I will be happy to tell him", then he proceeded to re=arrest me for with possession with INTENT. they are the two words that drug dealers fear the most, a straight possession Is always a great result but add the intent it makes the difference from a fine to 5 years in jail. I get strip searched and put in my cell and all I'm thinking is they have found one of the big parcels, well they must have, it was all buried a good two foot down but those dogs can smell anything and with the weed smalling so strong, I'm fucked. I get it into my head that I'm getting remanded so I guess that I'm going to need to hold on to the five bags I managed to plug, I'll do one now and save the rest when I land the big house(jail). I get one of the bags out and proceed to snort it up my nose. If you seen pulp fiction then from watching that you will know that it hurts like hell to snort heroin, but when your clucking its not a issue. I try and sleep but I cant I'm worrying too much, so I ring the bell for a cup of tea with loads of sugar, it comes I drink that, then start to play football with the empty cup, this keeps my mind off things for all of 10 minutes, I get another bag out, snort it and think some more, by this stage my nerves are frayed and I got no nails left, but the stress of the situation took it out of me and I start to drift off. CLICK CLUNK, the door opens, "solicitor" I think yes, my solicitor is top class, she has got me out of allot of trouble. I explain the situation to her and she confirms my suspicions and tells me they were acting on information received. she tells me that they got fuck all so say fuck all and make them show us there hand, this is standard procedure for a career criminal when being interviewed by the police. they hope you will speak in interview and hope you say something stupid, it makes there job ten times harder if you say nothing in interview. I asks her what they had but she did not know, I just wanted to get into interview and see what they had There was a knock on the door it was the the arresting officer explaining that they are ready for interview. Were in the interview room now, and i cant see any evidence bags on the table or none under the table, I thought that it was strange, the police went on to tell me that they had some stuff they wanted to talk to me about but he thought it was not fair to question me about things that weren't here in the room. This told me one of two things, the first being that they found something but there waiting to find the rest and just slam me or secondly the got nothing. Now I doubted it was the latter and I did this because I did not want to get my hopes up. the officer said they would interview me in another three hours. I spoke again to my brief and she seemed quite pleased, i did not read much into this because at the end of the day its not her locked up. I go back into my cell and carry on with snorting heroin drinking tea and playing football. Then I'm sat on the shitter about to get another bag out and the door cracks again, its the same officer that interviewed me, "right put your shoes on you can go", now that i can tell you was a hell off a feeling, just think, I have got it into my head that I'm going to prison to be remanded for a lengthy drawn out court case with probably a four year sentence at the end of it, then from that to "you can go2 it felt like a big weight had been lifted off me, i was truly elated the feeling second to none, I'M FREE, but at the same time very confused, I had so many questions, but i would soon find the answers. I bounce out my cell walking on air, I'm beaming my brief is waiting for me by the Sergent's desk, i just wanted to give her a big kiss, but i did not want the police to see how relived I was so I played it cool. I walk out the gate and down the pavement and see Duke sat on the wall, aah what a site, he was proper clucking but I reassured him that I saved two of the bags. We start talking about what had happened, he knew I had things buried there and could not believe they missed it, he started to fill my head with thoughts of a police set up and how they are just waiting for us to go back a lead them too the stash, nah that sounded to far fetched for me, i cam to the conclusion that all the drugs were well enough wrapped and buried deep enough to evade to dogs keen senses a big 1-0 to me, i love getting one over on the pigs. After we had a smoke we got a taxi to the farm to get my car, we were now sat in my car at the farm and we decided to go to the pub at the end of the road before we check to see what had been dug up and where they had looked and just to make sure its not some sort of elaborate set up. thinking about that started to freak me out, it was pitch black at the farm no out door lights and i swear i could see the bushes moving so we made a sharp exit. we go to the pub and all I can think of is if every thing is still there and have the police set a trap. That's all Duke has been wanking on about since we got out the cells. Before we even finish our drinks i think fuck this lets go I need to know. we pull in to the driveway of the farm and duke opens the gate, we drive in and just sit in the car talking about how mad it would be if the police all of a sudden showed and just at that moment we hear voices and see a torch light appear in front of us, Oh SHIT, I started the car up fuck em' these cunts are having it i thought "who's that" i said then a "its me, MERV", Merv was a mechanic who rents a unit on the farm, he was just coming down to find out if we were OK and that, see Merv liked us we kept him with a steady supply of work from us and out friends, so we told Merv about our day he proceed to his shed and made us a cup of tea in a plastic cup but let me tell you it was one of the best cups of tea i ever had, it had a very strong taste of freedom.

Well it ended up the police dropped all the charges apart from one, a possession charge where they found 0.7 gram of coke, and that was the reason I got charged with possession with intent when I was getting booked in at the police station, all our stuff lay ed untouched in the same place we had left it, the police had dug around a bit but went no deeper than six inches, apparently they were there for over 8 hours searching, if only they knew what was there, it makes me smile every time I think about it. The day after the raid there was a whole page about the raid in the local paper. It stated in the paper that the police found thousands of pounds worth of class A drugs but they were not sure weather it was UN-cut or street ready and that two men had been arrested. I found out some time later that they found a big bag of building lime which they thought was drugs and they also found some big balls of cling film, they sent the balls of cling film straight to the lab to get analysed, if they had un-wrapped the balls them self they would of seen there was nothing in them but they don't do things like that these days, it is all sent straight to the lab it makes me laugh to this day but it could of easily ended up going the other way. If the police had done a good job they would of found a good stash and I would still be in jail now, thank God I'm careful and keep things underground.

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