Tuesday 23 February 2010

A lucky escape..again.

The last couple of days have been pretty quiet which is what I like. My phone has been ringing steady and the money has been good too, you could say things have been running smoothly but in this game it never runs smooth for long. Sunday was a good day, the phone is normally dead on a Sunday, that is because not as many shops are open on and town is allot quieter so its much harder for the shop lifters to operate and I would say that six out of ten of my customers are shoplifters, two out of ten are burglars/robbers and the other two actually work for a living. Any way as I was saying it was a good day, I sold just under a half ounce which is about 60 ten pound bags so I made a bit, I don't get all the money though Dwayne my partner gets half of it, generally on Sundays I smoke copious amounts of Heroin and watch T4, love it.
Monday morning the constant ringing of the phone wakes me up at around 8.30am, the morning rush gets under way, so I go to my local cafe order breakfast drink about a gallon of tea and answer the phone, I meet all the customers in a little alley down the side of the cafe, well I don't go to that particular cafe because the food is good its actually not that nice, its all about the location, its shit hot, no cameras and there is three exits out the alley. Once Ive been in the cafe for a while there is a bookies opposite which does me for the next hour or so then the phone goes quiet for a couple of hours, in that couple of hours I'll probably get three or four calls which I deal with as and when they ring. Sitting in the bookmakers and I get a call of Dwayne , he asks me if I can go to the flat and take the dog out, he is a lush dog, a big old American bull dog, looks very mean but is really soft as shit. I get the dog and start to head towards the park so he can have a run about, on the way the phone rings, its Alan, Alan is a solid customer, he will ring twice a day every day and each time he rings he buys two bags never one or three always two, Ive asked him before why not buy four once a day rather than have too meet me twice, he couldnt answer all I got out of him was a "dunno mate", a creature of habit is our Alan. We arrange to meet in the park, this is all good for me, kill 2 birds with 1 stone, walk the dog and serve a customer, nice. Now old Alan is a beggar, he sits in town until hes got twenty pound together then he will ring me. I get to the park and see two figures right at the other end, I think its Alan and his mate so I wave to him, they don't respond they just stand there, then Alan comes from the right hand side of the park from behind a bush. We exchange pleasantry's I give him his stuff and he passes me the money, easy, he goes one way and me the other. The dog has had a good walk so I head back, I still have three bags in my hand rather than plug them I just hold on to them, I got the dog so the police wouldn't come running up to me, would they? I walk past the shops and am nearly at the flat when I hear some one behind me, I turn round and there are two plain clothes police stood there, "right don't move, keep your hands where we can see them" they would not grab me because of the dog, my instincts kicked in and I span on my heel put my hand up to my mouth and swallowed the bags, aah it was a classic, the look on their faces, it was lovely, they were gutted, but what could they do, then to my surprise he arrests me for suspicion of intent to supply. SHIT i thought, they were the two people I saw at the bottom of the park, they were watching Alan in town, saw him go to a phone box and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that Alan was ringing a drug dealer, so all they need to do is follow unsuspecting Alan and he will lead them to a nice little arrest, which today was yours truly. I'm in the back of the police car and the pigs are acting all cocky like "yeah we got you this time", but I'm not really worried, I'm thinking Alan would of managed to get rid of a couple of bags, he is a seasoned campaigner after all. Down the cells getting booked in and I see Alan who is also being booked in, ah shit they caught him with something. Now the reason why the police are all excited is they found a bag on Alan and they decide to drive it straight down the lab to get the analysis fast tracked and they are hoping there will be a print or some sort of my DNA on the bag, if they managed to do that then they would have me, after all they watched my pass him something although it was from a long way away. I'm panicking a little bit now going over it in my head and always ending up at the worst case.

The results came back and they had fuck all, they had no choice but let me go, I did a no comment interview so did Alan, which is ALWAYS the best thing to do if you go no comment they have NOTHING to work with, they try and get you to speak by saying that it will go against you in court if you say nothing but if you say nothing it probably wont even get to court. We both got out the cells at the same time and it came to light that Alan did manage to get rid of the bags I sold him, the bag they found he didn't even know he had on him, well that's what he said anyway, so the bag the got analysed was not even off me, ah well it was a bit of entertainment for the day, its the poor dog I feel sorry for he had to do a day in the dog kennels, poor fucker.

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